Thursday, October 08, 2009

Motorstorm Arctic Edge Review

The original Motorstorm on the PS3 was considered one of the console's great launch titles.  With stunning visuals and real-time track deformation, Motorstorm was a showpiece for any PS3 owner.  After one sequel on the Playstation 3 (Motorstorm Pacific Rift), another version makes it to Sony's handheld in the form of Motorstorm Arctic Edge.  This time it takes us to snow-covered terrains while retaining the original game's premise of any vehicle versus any other vehicle and multiple paths to the finish line.  You have the usual line up of ATV's, big rigs, bikes, rally cars with additional vehicles to suit the environment like the snow mobiles and snow pluggers.  Depending on your vehicle, you need to run on the right path to help you get to the finish line the quickest.  Taking your snow mobile through a river is not the best way to go.

To speed your vehicle up, you have a boost meter that eventually overheats with use.  If you continue to boost, you blow up.  You can help cool your boost meter by running through thick ice or water.  By winning events, you can earn new selections of vehicles to satisfy your craving for offroad mayhem.  The graphics department may not live up to its console brothers (give it a break dude, it is a PSP and not a PS3, duh) but the diverse tracks are an accomplishment worth noting on a portable device.

One thing I noticed about the dificulty though is that during the opening events, the AI opponents don't seem to put up much of a fight once you gain 1st place.  You get past to 1st place and you never get to see the guy in 2nd until the end of the race.  The difficulty seems to escalate around the 3rd level events.  This is still a good thing for me because it does allow casual racers to enjoy the rest of the game without frustrating you to death (the original Motorstorm on the PS3 was tough as nails and winning at 1st was the only way to advance in the game, blink too long and you'll be left behind).

Motorstorm Arctic Edge is a great addition for every Motorstorm fan.  The wide selection of vehicles and the adrenaline rush that this game provides goes to show other PSP racers what a racing game should be.

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