Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Law and Disorder

i was walking out for lunch with my work mates when we were about to cross the street. we stopped in our tracks because right across, four traffic enforcers flagged down a taxi cab. the driver of the cab stopped and there seemed to have been a discussion of some sort that got heated on the side of the traffic enforcers. one of them just lost it and landed a punch on the cab driver's face. and he hit him again. the enforcers tried to drag the driver out by opening the door but fortunate for the cab driver, he was able to speed away from the out-of-control mob of "public servants".

i honestly don't know what happened, the cab driver could have been in the wrong, but that was no way to treat him. they did not have the right. that's called police brutality in action. the "finest" of makati's public servants threw a punch at a citizen who pays taxes that make sure this traffic enforcer is able to bring home food to his family (if he even has a family). this just makes me so mad! arrogant fool! if anyone from makati reads this, the number on his jersey of disgrace is 037. if i were the taxi driver, i'd wait for him one of these days and run him down with my cab. let's see how he likes force! he should lose his job. this, dear readers, is just a fraction of how rotten the system is.

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